Permit Guides, Policies and Forms


Building forms and policies can be found in the document container below and may be downloaded.
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Planning and Zoning Fees

Please confirm fees with the permit technician. 

Planning & Zoning Fees

Staff Information

Susan McGhee

757-678-0443 ext. 541

[email protected]

Michael Starling
Zoning Administrator

757-678-0443 ext. 545

[email protected]

John Outten
Building Official

757-678-0443 ext. 525

[email protected]

Planner/Community Redevelopment Specialist

Rodney Braxton
Development Inspector

757-678-0443 ext. 542

[email protected]

Building Inspector

Code Compliance Inspector 

Environmental Specialist

Jennifer Sayers 
Building Permit Technician

757-678-0443 ext. 543

[email protected]

Carolyn Duffy
Zoning Permit Technician

757-678-0443 ext. 524

[email protected]

Olivia Bennett
Administrative Clerk 

757-678-0443 ext. 544

[email protected]

Department of Planning, Permitting & Enforcement
PO Box 538
16404 Courthouse Road
Eastville, VA 23347

Hours of Operation
9 AM - 5 PM