"Our new constitution is now established, and has an appearance which promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes. "
-Benjamin Franklin

The Declaration of Independence was read on Aug. 13, 1776, on the steps of Northampton County's 1731 courthouse (which still stands on the courthouse green- the building pictured with high pitched roof on the right). It took almost five weeks for the document to be carried from Philadelphia to Eastville, Virginia, the County seat.
Property Taxes
"Property Taxes are an important means of collecting much needed revenue for Northampton County. Although nobody really likes to pay taxes, we realize that it is one of the certainties in life. Northampton County's budget is based on setting a tax rate which (when combined with other sources of revenue) will generate the minimum amount necessary to fund required services and enable departments to perform their roles in achieving goals set by the Board of Supervisors.
...Many people may not realize exactly how their County property taxes are used. Without property taxes in place, Northampton County would not be able to fund the services its citizens depend upon and those required by the state and federal governments (such as contributions for schools, social services and courts). In Northampton County, property taxes are the largest source of local revenue and fund 66% of the General Fund Operating Budget. "

-Excerpt taken from Why Pay Property Taxes? found on the Finance Department's page on this website.
For more information about making a tax payment please use the site navigation menu.