Image Credit via Creative Commons
"...the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped. "
~Last Speech of Hubert H. Humphrey
Not sure where to start for the assistance you need? Go to 211.org or call 211 to speak to a specialist about accessing the best local resources available. "When times are dark, 211 is a guiding light."
Virginia Department of Social Services
The Virginia Department of Social Services is one of the largest Commonwealth agencies, ensuring that thousands of Virginia's most vulnerable citizens have access to the best services and benefits available to them.
Programs are designed to help families with food security, energy assistance or help paying the heating and cooling bills, medical assistance, protection against abuse for children and elderly adults, free family engagement services that focus on supporting the well being of the family unit, foster care and adoption, child care reimbursement for working parents; even stepping in when eligible families are in need with a monthly cash payment to help them meet their basic needs.
Take a look at some of the programs and resources offered by the local Department Of Social Services in Northampton County:
Adoption Services - Assists with the placement of children in "forever" homes
• Adult Protective Services - Protection for elderly or disabled citizens
• Adult Services - Helps elderly or disabled citizens remain independent
• Auxiliary Grant - Supplemental income for citizens residing in assisted living facilities
• Child Care - Day care supplements to families
• Child Protective Services (CPS) - Protection for children, preservation of families,
whenever possible, and prevention of further maltreatment. Child Protective Services is non-punitive in its approach and is directed toward enabling families to provide adequate care for their children
• Employment Services/VIEW - Helps citizens broaden and develop job skills
• Energy Assistance - Heating, cooling and crisis assistance
• Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP- Formerly the Food Stamp Program)
• Foster Care- Provides homes and compassionate foster parents for children who are
removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect, or other family circumstances that
prevents children from remaining in their homes.
• Foster Care Recruitment and Training- Become a foster care provider
• Fraud - Investigations for false benefits requests
• Medicaid - Medical Assistance
• Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) - Short term financial assistance to
families with children
Fiscal Officer for the Children Services Act 1993 of Northampton
Below you'll find links to the programs listed:
Child and Adult Services
Assistance Programs
Resources and Links
If you should have any questions, please call or visit the Northampton County office in Eastville, VA.
Mozella Francis
Director of Social Services
Northampton County
Social Service Building
PO Box 568
5265 The Hornes
Eastville, VA 23347
Phone: 757-678-5153
Fax: 757-678-0475
Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM.
Northampton County Tax Relief Program

We all need a helping hand from time to time. None more so than the elderly and/or handicapped and disabled veterans who have served our country. Northampton County offers tax relief programs for those who qualify.
Please contact Commissioner of Revenue to see if you are eligible.
For more information about Tax Relief programs visit the information page on this website, Tax Relief for the Elderly and Disabled and Personal Property Tax Relief.
In addition to Social Services there are other programs available in Northampton County for families who may need assistance.
Free Medical Clinics for qualifying applicants:
Virginia Department of Health Eastern Shore District

Mission | To protect the health and promote the well-being of all people in Virginia.
Vision | Become the healthiest state in the nation.
Core Values | Our culture values service, equity and making data-informed decisions.
VDH is committed to eliminating inequity in health status by promoting access to those resources and opportunities that support quality health care, healthy behaviors, and healthy families, communities and environments.
Interpretive Services are available for non-English speaking participants.
2 locations:
Northampton County Department of Health
7114 Lankford Highway
Nassawadox, VA 23413
Phone: (757) 442-6228
Accomack County Health Department
23191 Front Street
Accomac Virginia 23301
Phone: (757) 787-5880
Clinics and Programs VDH offers on the Eastern Shore:
Communicable Disease Investigations (STD, TB, and other Reportable Diseases)
HIV Services Case Management, 18 and over, Medication Access PrEP,
Immunization, Vaccines for Children 18 and under, Vaccines for Adults (uninsured/under-insured)
Nurse Family Partnership, Prenatal and Early Childhood Home Visiting
Reproductive Health, Well Woman Exams, Birth Control, Maternity Services, Sexually Transmitted Infections and/or Diseases, Mammogram Vouchers
WIC and Breastfeeding Peer Support, Supplemental Food Program for pregnant women and children from birth to age 5 years

WIC- Women, Infants and Children
Northampton County Health Department
7114 Lankford Highway
Nassawadox, VA 23413
Phone: (757) 442-6228
Accomack County Health Department
23191 Front Street
Accomac Virginia 23301
Phone: (757) 787-5880
The WIC Program aims to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.
- Educates pregnant women and new moms about nutrition, with personalized assessments, counseling and support
- Provides pregnant women, new moms, infants and children (up to age 5) with nutritious supplemental foods
- Brings women the support they need to breastfeed their babies
- Offers referrals to additional social services and healthcare resources
Regardless of citizenship status, WIC serves:
Pregnant women- healthy babies begin with good nutrition for mothers.
Breastfeeding women. Breastfeeding gives your baby all the nutrition they need from the very first moments. WIC offers breastfeeding support through one on one counseling with a Breastfeeding Peer Counselor. For more information about the Learn Together. Grow Together program please visit: https://wicbreastfeeding.fns.usda.gov/
Non-breastfeeding postpartum women
Toddlers and children up to age 5
More information about food packages and formula offered through WIC.
Information on eligibility and how to apply for WIC.
Eastern Shore Branch
24530 Coastal Boulevard, Tasley, VA 23441
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 518, Onley, VA 23418
T: 757-787-2557
F: 757-787-7850
Food Pantry
Trinity United Methodist Church
Food Pantry
109 Plum Street, Cape Charles, VA 23310
(757) 331-4275
Contact: Janet Dudley
2nd Wednesday- 1:00pm-3:00pm
Bayview Citizens for Social Justice
Food Pantry
22827 Bayview Circle, Cheriton, VA
(757) 331-1840
Billing Addresses : P.O. Box 527 Distribution times: Contact: Alice Coles
Food Pantry
4224 Sunnyside Road, Cheriton, VA
(757) 787-2557
Contact: Angel Fields
3rd Wednesday- 10:00am-12:30pm
Franktown Methodist Church
Food Pantry
7551 Bayside Rd, Franktown, VA 23354
(757) 237-1789
Distribution Days: 3rd Friday 11a-2p Contact: Susie Jones
The Eastern Shore Agency for Area Aging is a great resource for seniors for assistance with housing, paying bills or getting transport.
They are located at: 5432 Bayside Rd
Exmore, VA 23350
Phone: (757) 442-9652
Senior Outreach Services:
The Northampton County Senior Outreach Program is designed to give seniors living within the community a way of communicating with the sheriff's department and providing a peace of mind. Seniors enrolled in this program will receive a phone call each morning. If there is no answer, a deputy will be dispatched to check on the person's well being.
To enroll in this program please contact the Sheriff's Office at:
Northampton County Sheriff
5211 The Hornes
Eastville, VA 23347
Office 757-678-0460
Dispatch 757-678-0458
Fax 757-678-0494
Other programs and agencies who serve senior citizens can be found on the Senior Outreach Services page on this website:
Eastern Shore Literacy Council
"The ESLC provides adults over the age of 18 with the very lowest literacy levels (less than 5th grade) classes and one-on-one tutoring through two programs: Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English as a Second Language (ESL). All instruction is free. After successful completion of our programs, learners are able to move up to the GED and higher education programs offered by the Eastern Shore Community College. ESLC also provides citizenship classes and support to qualified residents.
If you need help with reading, writing, or speaking English give us a call today and see if we can help. " - http://www.shoreliteracy.org/
Location and Contact:
Eastern Shore Community College
Main Building, Room A-44
29300 Lankford Hwy.
Melfa, VA 23410
[email protected]
(757) 789-1761
We hope you will take advantage of these assistance programs if you should need it. They are here to help!