Enterprise Zone

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Please click on the flyer for an ADA accessible PDF.

Local Incentives for the Enterprise Zone in Northampton County

EZ Local Incentives
Please click on the flyer for more Local Incentives and an ADA accessible PDF.

Virginia Enterprise Zone - Accomack and Northampton Counties

Portions of Northampton and Accomack Counties are in a Virginia Enterprise Zone. Maps of the Zone are available online; please see the list below.

Virginia Enterprise Zones provide grants for qualifying companies that create new full-time jobs or improve commercial real estate. Northampton County"s Enterprise Zone has been approved for a ten-year term commencing January 1, 2025. Two substantial financial incentives are available to encourage business locations and expansions within the Zone:

Real Property Improvement Grant

Commercial real estate construction or improvement projects that meet minimum thresholds are eligible for a grant of up to 20% of the total cost of qualified improvements (maximum amount not to exceed $100,000 in a 5-year period for qualified real property investments less than $5 million; maximum amount not to exceed $200,000 for qualified real property investments of $5 million or more). The grants are made after the project is complete.

New construction projects must cost at least $500,000. Rehabilitated or expanded real property requires a minimum investment of at least $100,000. The purchase price of the real estate is not included in the investment calculation.

Residential projects are not eligible. Mixed-use projects that are at least 30% business use can qualify for a grant.

Job Grants

Businesses that create at least 4 new full-time jobs may be eligible to receive job creation grants, for a maximum of 350 eligible jobs per year. Jobs paying 200% of the federal minimum wage and providing health benefits will be eligible for a grant of $800 per year for five years. Jobs paying less than 200% of minimum wage, but at least 175% (and providing health benefits) will be eligible for a grant of $500 per year for five years. Jobs paying less than 175% of minimum wage will not be eligible for job grants.

Job grants are not available to retail, local service or food/beverage service businesses.

Enterprise Zone Maps

These maps of our Enterprise Zone are in PDF format (If you can't read the maps, you need to update your Acrobat Reader software. It's free.
We've listed the maps in alphabetical order below.

Northampton County (Northampton County EZ maps were amended in April 2016)

Cape Charles Area
Cape Charles - Sunset Beach Area
Cheriton Area
Eastville Area
Exmore - Willis Wharf Area
Machipongo Area
Nassawadox Area

DHCD applications and online instruction manuals

Accomack County

For information about Accomack's Enterprise Zone, please contact:

Tom Brockenbrough
Accomack County Dept. of Planning & Zoning
P. O. Box 686
Accomac, VA 23301
757-789-3116 (fax)
[email protected]

Department Staff Information

Charles Kolakowski
County Administrator

757-678-0440 ext 515

[email protected]

Janice Williams
Deputy County Administrator

757-678-0440 ext. 516

[email protected]

Northampton County Administration
PO Box 66
16404 Courthouse Road
Eastville, VA 23347

Hours of Operation
9 AM - 5 PM