Jury Duty


Northampton County
Jury Administrator
5229 The Hornes
Eastville VA 23347-0036
(757) 678-0465

The Office of the Court Administrator is responsible for summoning citizens of Northampton County to jury service. Jury service is both a privilege and an obligation that qualified citizens owe to the Commonwealth. While jury service may require you to adjust your normal schedule, our goal is that any inconvenience will be minimal and that you will enjoy the opportunity.

More information and forms

Jury Service Answer Book

Juror Orientation Video

Medical Letter



Jury Service


You have been summoned for jury service and are on-call for the next term of court. Terms of court last for approximately two months. However, this does not mean that you will have to physically report to the courthouse each day of the term. When you receive your jury summons, you will be assigned a juror number. If you have received a summons for this term, it is your responsibility to: 

Call the jury information line daily (24-hour message) (757) 678-5876. 

Report for service at the Northampton County Circuit Court, 5229 The Hornes, Eastville, VA at 9:00 AM when your jury number is announced and you are instructed to do so. 

Proper attire is required. You will not be permitted to wear t-shirts, tank tops, muscle shirts, flip-flops, shower shoes, shorts, pajamas, torn or tattered jeans or soiled field clothing. 

You will be compensated $50.00 (effective 7/1/2023) for each day that you report for jury service. You will receive said compensation approximately 2 weeks after the end of the term. 

Cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices are not allowed in the Courthouse. We cannot store or hold them for you while you are at jury duty.

Request for excuses from jury service must be submitted in writing to Traci L. Johnson, Clerk, P.O. Box 36, Eastville, VA 23347 no later than five days prior to the trial. 

Jury Schedule

Welcome to the Northampton County Circuit Court's web page for jury service.  You have most likely navigated to this page because of being summoned for jury duty during the March 2025 Term. Below you will find a list of scheduled trial dates.  Every effort will be made to update this page with current information regarding juror selections and trial statuses.  Please note that the trial dates below are currently scheduled but this will not exclude the possibility of additional trials being added.  Check the website frequently for changes.


Jury Schedule as of Friday, March 14, 2025: 


March 2025 TERM:


Tues., Mar. 18, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.



Mon. to Fri., Mar. 31 to Apr. 4, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.

***  CANCELLED ***


Tues.-Weds., Apr. 22-23, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.

*** Continue to monitor; Jurors to be announced ***


Mon., Apr. 28, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.

*** Continue to monitor; Jurors to be announced ***


Mon.- Tues., May 5-6, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.

*** Continue to monitor; Jurors to be announced ***


Department Staff Information

Hon. Traci L. Johnson, Clerk

Northampton County Circuit Court
5229 The Hornes
P.O. Box 36
Eastville, VA 23347-0036

Office: 757-678-0465
Fax: 757-678-5410

[email protected] 

Lauren M. Brown 
Deputy Clerk
Civil Division

[email protected]

Morgan W. Doughty
Deputy Clerk
Land Records

[email protected] 

Jessika N. Pruitt
Deputy Clerk
Financial and Probate

[email protected]

Yasmine S. McCain
Deputy Clerk
Land Records

[email protected]

Link to Virginia Judicial System
Information and Forms:

Jury Duty Information Hotline: