EMS Director, Hollye Carpenter is recognized for over 30 years of service.

Hollye Carpenter and EMS staff pose in front of the LOVE works in Cape Charles. Thank you to Hollye Carpenter for "a Job Well Done so that future generations will recognize the outstanding abilities, leadership, love, and devotion she gave to her family, citizens, and the County she has so proudly served."
Outgoing Emergency Medical Services Director, Hollye Carpenter was recognized for 30 years of service to Northampton County at the April 26, 2022 Board of Supervisors work session. Ms. Carpenter is retiring on April 28, 2022. Chairwoman, Betsy Mapp, read out the Resolution and presented Hollye with a plaque of appreciation for her many years of dedication and leadership. After the presentation, Carpenter received a standing ovation from her colleagues and everyone present at the meeting.
Northampton County, Virginia Government YouTube: At the April 26, 2022 Board of Supervisors meeting, Chairwoman, Betsy Mapp reads out the Resolution honoring EMS Director, Hollye Carpenter for her dedication to Northampton County.
Ms. Carpenter then made a brief speech to the Board of Supervisors summarizing her experiences leading the department and passing the baton to her capable staff.
We are grateful for her service to Northampton County and wish her well in her future endeavors!
Northampton County, Virginia Government YouTube: Outgoing EMS Director, Hollye Carpenter summarizes her 30 years of service to Northampton County and passes the baton.
Hollye Carpenter's speech in full to the Board of Supervisors given April 26, 2022:
"Tonight marks over 35 years I have served in the EMS field, starting as a volunteer at Cape Charles Rescue in 1986. Some of the sights, sounds and smells I have experienced are not fit for the average person. However, I would not change a thing, because the rewards of saving a few lives along the way far out weights all the ugly. These years in EMS have brought significant change, growth, laughter, and tears. Our department grew from a staff of 1 in the early ’90s to over 40 medics today. There weresome extremely tough battles along the way, many right here in this room, but all were worth it. Often I was described as defensive. Imagine that?!?! Yep, I’m pretty certain I was. But I am positive no one can deny my passion as a caregiver and protector of our department and the service we provide. This was pretty obvious when I bared my heart and soul at several opportune moments over the years. I am sure several of you here may be able to recall some pretty intense moments. However, again all were worth it and I wouldn’t change a thing.
At the end of this week, I will step down and turn our EMS department over to a strong core of EMS officers. Oh wait, I already did that well over a month ago. I feel I have done my best to ensure our team is ready for this transition and I am certain they will ensure EMS services will continue without falter in the hours, days, weeks, months, and years to come. Division Chief Terri Christman has already shown her ability to lead and carry our department with a very similar passion to mine. I am hopeful your County Administrator has plans to continue with the plan I have put into motion, allowing for a continued continuity of EMS service and leadership.
In closing, thank you for this recognition. It has been a very fulfilling career and I am blessed and grateful for the many opportunities I was given along the way. I am excited and looking forward to the next chapter and what the future holds. I will however remain available to our EMS leadership as questions arise because teaching and covering all the quirks of 30 years of service has proven to be quite a challenge, even though we have been preparing for this moment for over a year."
Following is the Resolution that was read aloud and placed on the plaque commemorating over 30 years of service to Northampton County.
WHEREAS, the Northampton County Board of Supervisors has identified public service, and community leadership as critical components in defining excellence and in improving the vision of Northampton County; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Hollye Carpenter began public service to the citizens of Northampton County in the Emergency Medical Services Office on August 5, 1991; was promoted to EMS Supervisor on August 1, 1996; and then became Department Director in 2003; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Hollye Carpenter has consistently risen to the challenge with a multitude of responsibilities, projects and assignments and has shown her tremendous depth of knowledge in Emergency Medical Services, as well as Emergency Management, displaying unparalleled service excellence; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Hollye Carpenter has dedicated herself to the citizens of Northampton County over the past thirty-plus years and has unselfishly given of herself, her time, and her abilities; and
WHEREAS, her fellow co-workers, staff and the citizens of Northampton County do recognize the enormous contributions, dedicated service, and devotion to duty made by Ms. Hollye Carpenter over the past thirty-plus years in improving the Quality of Life and the welfare of the people of Northampton County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this 26th day of April, 2022, that we do commend and convey our heartfelt appreciation to Ms. Hollye Carpenter for her unselfish contributions to the health, safety, and professional demeanor of Northampton County and do further express our admiration for her selfless service and devotion to the citizens and taxpayers of the County; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ms. Hollye Carpenter be afforded this small token of appreciation for a Job Well Done so that future generations will recognize the outstanding abilities, leadership, love, and devotion she gave to her family, citizens, and the County she has so proudly served.
Adopted this 26th day of April, 2022.
View the Resolution