GIS Program

GIS is an abbreviation for Geographic Information Systems. GIS is a database structure that allows information to be recorded and associated with a particular location. The GIS program creates and maintains accurate maps of the region and through up to date information, enhances the performance of a number of County services ranging from subdivision review to emergency response.

The County has an inventory of data layers including property parcels, building footprints, landmarks & addresses; transportation network; incorporated boundaries; elevation contours; hydrography; vegetation; SURGO soils and FEMA flood zones among others.



Planning and Zoning Fees

Please confirm fees with permit technician.

Planning & Zoning Fees 

GIS Data and Map Fee Schedule


Real Estate Maps


 Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs)

National Flood Insurance Program sponsored site to allow property owners to view the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). 

FEMA Determination Letter

Virginia Flood Risk Information System

Staff Information

Susan McGhee

757-678-0443 ext. 541

[email protected]

Michael Starling
Zoning Administrator

757-678-0443 ext. 545

[email protected]

John Outten
Building Official

757-678-0443 ext. 525

[email protected]

Planner/Community Redevelopment Specialist

Rodney Braxton
Development Inspector

757-678-0443 ext. 542

[email protected]

Building Inspector

Code Compliance Inspector  

Environmental Specialist

Jennifer Sayers 
Building Permit Technician

757-678-0443 ext. 543

[email protected]

Carolyn Duffy
Zoning Permit Technician

757-678-0443 ext. 524

[email protected]

Olivia Bennett
Administrative Clerk 

757-678-0443 ext. 544

[email protected]

Department of Planning, Permitting & Enforcement
PO Box 538
16404 Courthouse Road
Eastville, VA 23347

Hours of Operation
9 AM - 5 PM