Voter - Overseas

Welcome Northampton County Overseas and UOCAVA Voters,

This page has instructions and resources that will make casting your vote a little easier. Please note that the information and forms on this page are ONLY for voters registered in Northampton County who are active members of the military posted outside of Northampton County or those Northampton voters who reside overseas on a temporary basis. If you are a Northampton voter needing an absentee application, please go to our main page and click on the "Absentee Ballots" tab.

You will need a computer and printer, scissors, tape or glue stick, and a witness over 18 years old. To begin, you may need to fill out a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to register as an overseas voter, if you have not already.
The link to that form is here: FPCA PDF. 
Please fill out the form, print it, and sign it.
You may email it to [email protected] or mail it to:
Voter Registration
PO Box 510
Eastville, VA 23347-0510

Once we have received and approved your application, we will send you the official ballots. Then you can follow the following directions.

Download the UOCAVA Email Voting Instructions found at:

Next, download the ballots provided to you and mark the ballots as the instructions state. Then place the ballots in Envelope B and fill out the envelope as per directions. Envelope B can be downloaded here: Email Envelope B. Now place Envelope B in a mailing envelope and mail it in to Secretary of the Electoral Board, PO BOX 510, Eastville VA 23347-0510. If you qualify, you may use the postage paid envelope available here: UOCAVA Postage Paid Return Envelope Template (DMM_FVAP).pdf

If you have any questions, please email our office at [email protected]


Department Staff Information

Terrence P. Flynn
General Registrar

Brandon L. Griffin
Assistant Registrar

Voter Registration
16404 Courthouse Rd
PO Box 510
Eastville VA 23347

Phone: 757-678-0480
Fax: 757-678-0453

[email protected]