Voter Registration


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The Constitution of Virginia requires that you be registered in the precinct in which you live in order to be qualified to vote. To change your registration, written authorization containing the correct information should be sent to the address below or you may complete a new Voter Registration Application.

The Voter Registration Office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Terrence P. Flynn, General Registrar
16404 Courthouse Road
PO Box 510
Eastville, VA 23347-0510
E-mail: [email protected]

To be eligible to vote in Virginia a person must meet all of the following criteria:

  • be a resident of Virginia (A person who has come to Virginia for temporary purposes and intends to return to another state is not considered a resident for voting purposes);
  • be a United States citizen;
  • be 18 years old (A person who is 17 years old and will be 18 years of age at the next general election shall be permitted to register in advance and also vote in any intervening primary or special election);
  • does not claim the right to vote in any other state;
  • not currently declared mentally incompetent by a court of law and;
  • if convicted of a felony, your right to vote must have been restored.

Application forms are available at no charge. Persons eligible to register can obtain Registration Applications at any of the following:

Voter Registration Office
Cape Charles Town Office, 2 Plum Street
Exmore Town Office, 3239 Main Street
Social Services, 5265 The Hornes, Eastville
Health Department, 7114 Lankford Highway, Nassawadox

You may also request a Voter Registration Application by calling the Voter Registration Office 678-0480. The Northampton County Voter Registration Office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. You may download form from Virginia State Board of Elections. Once at that site click on Voter Registration. If mailing an application, close to deadline for final day of registration, ask Post Office to hand cancel envelope to be assured of a timely date.

Election Types

Registration Deadlines

Code of Virginia §§ 24.2-416


22 Days before election


22 Days before election


13 Days before election

Special (Called by the Governor)

7 Days before election

Change of Address

Because you vote according to where you live, it is important that your registration record shows your current residence address, as well as, any name or mailing address change that has occurred since you registered to vote. You may make a change of address, name or other information by sending a letter notifying the Voter Registrar, completing an address change notification provided by the DMV, using the form on the back of your voter card or by re-registering either by mail or in person. Voter Registration Forms can be downloaded from Virginia State Board of Elections. Once on the site click "Voter Information".

All changes of address must be received 22 days before the election in order to make a change for that election. Changes not received in a timely manner will be made after the election.

Photo Identification Available at Voter Registration Office

Starting July 1, 2014, voters without an acceptable photo ID will be able to obtain a free photo ID at the Voter Registration office.
This completes the legal process started in 2012 when the General Assembly amended Virginia Code 24.2-643, and required that all voters show ID before voting.
The new law states that voters must show the following acceptable forms of identification: valid Virginia drivers' license; DMV-issued photo identification card; valid United States passport; valid employee photo identification card; valid college or university photo identification card issued by a Virginia institution of higher education; or other government-issued photo identification card. The current voter registration card will no longer be a valid ID because it has no picture.
If you have one of the above forms of ID, the most likely being a driver's license, that will be all you will need to show at the polls to vote. This new program is only for voters who do not have any of the above forms of identification. Voters will fill out a form with their voting information, sign an affidavit that they possess no other form of ID, and then have a quick picture taken and their signature captured. The photo ID will be mailed form the State Board of Elections directly to the voter.
If you have any questions, please contact us at (757) 678-0480.
To view information on how to run for office you may visit Virginia State Board of Elections follow the links "Candidates" and "Campaign Finance" and/or contact the Voter Registration Office in Northampton 757-678-0480.

Department Staff Information

Terrence P. Flynn
General Registrar

Brandon L. Griffin
Assistant Registrar

Voter Registration
16404 Courthouse Rd
PO Box 510
Eastville VA 23347

Phone: 757-678-0480
Fax: 757-678-0453

[email protected]