Northampton County has completed all training requirements to become a V3-certified locality through the Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Program. 
The Virginia Values Veterans Program is a free training and certification program for employers to help them implement nationally recognized best practices in recruiting, hiring, and retaining highly-skilled and dependable Veterans.
According to the Virginia Values Veterans website, “In 2012, Virginia became the first state to create an official program dedicated to improving the employment of Veterans by training employers on national best practices to recruit, hire, train and retain Veterans.
The V3 Program is mostly funded through general funds appropriated by the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is also in part funded through non-general funds donated by interested parties through the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation.
All services offered through the V3 Program — including the application, enrollment, training, certification, and recertification can be obtained at no cost to the employer.”
The V3 program has 1,613 enrolled employers in this program. Northampton County is 1 of 854 certified companies.
“With this program we are able to share job vacancies directly with military seekers, which would be included in the Virginia Transition Assistance Program weekly newsletter. This will help us promote jobs,” said Human Resource Specialist, Sharitah Goodwyn during her presentation to the Board of Supervisors at the June 11, 2019 public meeting.
“The V3 program also provides net-working, job fair opportunities to directly interact with military job seekers,” Ms. Goodwyn continued. “This program also has a partnership with sister programs to provide fellowship, internship, OJT, and apprenticeship opportunities at county level for military families.”
The Northampton County Human Resource Department has been invited to attend the Virginia Workforce Convention hosted by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce and is eligible to receive the V3 award from the Governor’s office during the conference.
Ms. Goodwyn concluded, “We are very excited to learn more about the new opportunities which are available for recruiting, hiring, training and retaining Virginia’s Veterans as well as serving members of the National Guard and Reserve.”
Chairman Spencer Murray applauded Ms. Goodwyn and County Administrator Charles Kolakowsi for their efforts to become a designated V3 certified locality. Chairman Murray stated, “Congratulations on this certification. As a veteran who needed a job, I’m delighted that we have this program. Thank you.“