Stay Home Virginia website offers guidance for those who are experiencing housing difficulties.

Help is available for renters, homeowners, and landlords alike through the Stay Home Virginia website. This website connects people to federal and state resources and guides them through housing programs and services. Below is a summary of what this website has to offer:
For Renters:
• Guidance on what to do if you cannot pay your rent: This resource contains information on how to discuss payment plan options with your landlord, how to manage your debt, and more.
• HUD-Certified Housing Counselors: The Virginia Housing Development Authority has U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-certified counselors who can help you make the right financial decisions and avoid costly mistakes.
• Virginia Residential Landlord-Tenant Handbook: This handbook includes information on the rights, remedies, and responsibilities of renters and landlords during the rental process.
For Homeowners:
• Advice on what to do if you cannot pay your mortgage: Provides information on potential temporary relief options, forbearance, and how to manage your debt.
• Guide to Coronavirus Mortgage Relief Options: If Fannie Mae owns your mortgage loan, or if you live in a multifamily rental property financed by Fannie Mae, relief options may be available. These include forbearance plans, late fee relief, and repayment options.
• Guidance for VA Home Loan Borrowers: This has an FAQ for veterans regarding the status of their VA loan, the impact of the CARES Act, and other relief options.
For Landlords:
• Through this website, landlords can advertise their vacancies for free.
• Virginia Housing Choice Voucher Program: Landlord Info: This page has information on how vouchers are provided and administered.