
Planning and Zoning Fees

Please confirm fees with the permit technician. 

Planning & Zoning Fees 


Zoning Administrator maintains and enforces the County's Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance  and related regulations to assure that property is developed and used in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. 

Northampton County Mapping Site 

Note: Once you are on the map, look for "2016 Amended Zoning" under the map layers on the left hand side of the page. Make sure the box next to it is checked.

Northampton County Code of Ordinances links to American Legal website. The Zoning Ordinance for Northampton County is under Chapter 154.2 Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance is Chapter 156. Subdivision Code. 

Major Services

Ordinance Administration
  • Prepares Zoning Ordinance Amendments.
  • Responds to requests for zoning ordinance in detail and prepares zoning compliance reviews.
  • Prepares and coordinates the distribution of Zoning Ordinance supplements. 
  • Responds to requests for subdivisions.
Zoning Permit Review
  • Provides general information on the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map
  • Reviews Building Permit applications for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance
  • Reviews and approves sign permits. 
  • Subdivision review
  • Provides general information for subdivision of property
  • Reviews and approves subdivision plats
Zoning Enforcement
  • Inspects complaints of alleged violations of the Zoning Ordinance and insures compliance by initiating legal action through the County Attorney.
    These towns handle all zoning, subdivision and building :

    Cape Charles - (757) 331-3259
    Cheriton - (757) 331-8200

          Zoning and Subdivision for Exmore- (757) 442-2476

Staff Information

Susan McGhee

757-678-0443 ext. 541

[email protected]

Michael Starling
Zoning Administrator

757-678-0443 ext. 545

[email protected]

John Outten
Building Official

757-678-0443 ext. 525

[email protected]

Planner/Community Redevelopment Specialist

Rodney Braxton
Development Inspector

757-678-0443 ext. 542

[email protected]

Building Inspector

Code Compliance Inspector 

Environmental Specialist

Jennifer Sayers 
Building Permit Technician

757-678-0443 ext. 543

[email protected]

Carolyn Duffy
Zoning Permit Technician

757-678-0443 ext. 524

[email protected]

Olivia Bennett
Administrative Clerk 

757-678-0443 ext. 544

[email protected]

Department of Planning, Permitting & Enforcement
PO Box 538
16404 Courthouse Road
Eastville, VA 23347

Hours of Operation
9 AM - 5 PM